The 'Most Destructive' Weather Event Minnesota Has Ever Seen

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Despite the existence instruments created to predict the weather, sometimes, Mother Nature throws a curveball.

What was forecasted as a Category 1 hurricane, an F1 tornado, a minor flood, a small fire, or a light dusting of snow, can turn into an extremely unpredictable weather pattern without warning.

While there are systems in place to help people in the path of destruction prepare for devastating weather events (like evacuations ahead of a hurricane), that wasn't always the case. To this day, ruinous weather patterns can move in with little to no notice and all Minnesotans can do is hope for the best and brace for the worst.

According to a list compiled by LoveExploring, the "most shocking" weather event to ever occur in Minnesota was the Arctic Outbreak of 2019. This devastating storm is known as the most catastrophic weather event in Minnesota history.

Here's what LoveExploring detailed about the state's worst weather event of all time:

"A crippling cold wave moved over Minnesota in January 2019, plunging temperatures to lower than Antarctica and wreaking havoc across the area. The arctic outbreak lasted around five days and brought with it some of the lowest air temperatures in Minnesota since the 1990s. The coldest temperatures were recorded on the morning of January 31 when the town of Cotton plunged to -56ºF, according to the National Weather Service."

For a continued list of the most shocking weather events to occur in each state, visit

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